After All the Fish Have Gone

I grew up chasing trout and salmon across the American northeast. From New York to Maine to Canada, the water has always run cold, the pressure ever steady against my legs. Over the past twenty years, the conditions of my fishing have fluctuated with the weather. Some...

Save the Salmon

The way I tell the story, the day my father removed my last diaper he placed a fly rod in my hands. Since then, I’ve cast a line over nearly any open body of water I can find. He nurtured an avid fly fisherman, sure, but also an avid environmentalist. And so I...

Must I Throw Out the Whole Hog?

I came to love cooking as I came to love food. My appetite was undiscerning; everything was open for exploration. I knew only that I wanted to eat. I also came to love cooking at what would turn out to be the end of a five-year stint as a vegetarian. Few things smell...

Local Politics, Global Change: Vote Democrat

On November 4th, Americans will cast their vote for our next President. In doing so, they will cast a vote for a candidate not on the ballot — America’s next environment. In this election, national environmental discussions have focused on energy...